Baby Sheep Amigurumi

The very first amigurumi I ever made was a sleepy little lamb, using a free Baby Sheep pattern I found on the blog Harugurumi. That was already ten years ago, and I recently felt the urge to remake that little lamb for my ten year amigurumiversary.

The Yarn
I used Caron Kindness yarn in colours Smoke (dark grey) and Fog (Light Grey). Caron Kindness is a 100% polyester yarn that's designed to be budget-friendly. I bought it because I liked the colours. And while working on my baby sheep, I remember thinking to myself that this is possibly the worst yarn I've ever used. My ball had lots of uneven spots and blemishes that needed to be cut out. The texture is also very slippery, making it difficult to crochet nice tight stitches for amigurumi.

That said, this yarn gets really soft and fluffy when you brush it with a wire-bristled pet brush (like I did for my sheep's head and body). So, I might be convinced to put up with it again in future for the sake of fluffy amigurumi!

The Size
Caron Kindness yarn is slightly thinner than most worsted weight yarns I've tried. I used a 3.25 mm (D-3) crochet hook, and my sheep turned out to be about 15 cm (6 in) tall.

The Pattern
This Baby Sheep pattern has a lot of little pieces to sew together. Here they are all laid out:

I could never get my sheep to look as chubby as the one in the pattern pictures. My first one was so long and thin, I thought I'd done something wrong. But alas, with this latest attempt, my little lamb is still elongated.